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The Avengers (2012)

The Avengers (2012)
The Avengers (2012)
So how do you pose a threat to a demigod, a supersoldier, a man in an indestructible metal suit and a hulking green juggernaut? Well, you really can’t. But with a surplus of loud explosions, massive battles, and limitless CG effects you can feign the right amount of adventure to appease fans of such monumental clashes between good and evil. The Avengers keeps the concepts simple enough, but piles on so much mayhem it can become wearisome to those not previously invested in its subjects and willing to readily believe in the delirious events transpiring on screen. If you’re not cheering by the time our gang of superheroes takes down a giant mechanical space worm, you probably knew a long time ago this movie wasn’t for you.

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